Suzanna J Lee

Suzanna J Lee


FLMI, CEBS, Hay House Card Reader
Suzanna J
PO Box 1012
V0A 1K0

My reputation is best known for effective, powerful, efficient results that defy the conventional world.  Client testimonials show a small sampling of what's possible.  My clients also appreciate how I teach, coach, and give them tools to learn how to accelerate their recovery/journey, goals, move beyond their obstacles, and heal themselves in gentle, non-invasive ways.

I work synergistically using multiple methods and tools that help heal conditions ranging from hemorrhoids, pain and stress, to conditions such as cancer and trauma release, holistically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Why suffer?  Biohack your body, release what's stuck, and move forward on your journey, or simply tame your busy brain, reduce your: pain, stress, recovery time, and ease your grief.

I help people transform from 'stuck' to healing on physical, mental and/or emotional levels efficiently using a synergistic combination of Healing Touch,  Chinese/ancestral clearing, crystals,  subconscious barrier removal,  Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), muscle testing and/or numerology, card reading, depending on what is presented/requested.

I'm also the catalyst for people to discover their life purpose/true calling, get people moving beyond their fears & perceived limitations and how to handle narcissistic type traits.

Come experience the world of possibility in the Rocky Mountains of B.C. and enjoy the journey of taking back control of your body and your life...transcend your limitations!

For more, check out: 

Healing Beyond Limits

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