Carol McDaniel

Carol McDaniel


United States
fort collins
607 cowan street C2

Hi, my name is Carol J. McDaniel; I am a registered Fort Collins massage therapist since 2003, a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, and the manager of LymphWorks.

Do you really believe you have to live with that chronic pain or discomfort?

I have unique skills and experience and cater to a unique set of clients…those who truly want and believe they can heal. Sure, you can beat yourself up every weekend and I will put you back together again come Monday morning, but I prefer to gently empower all my clients to take a deeper look, a more active role in their health, prevention and self care.

“All healing is self healing." You see, I can be the most gifted healer on the planet, apply my skills and best techniques, give you all the love, information and resources you require but until YOU make the choice that “you are ready to heal,” then true and deep healing will not occur. Once you make that choice, I will be a facilitator and a guide…helping you identify and eliminate all that impedes your optimum health. My goal is that eventually your choice to heal will become a part of every choice you make on a daily basis, leading you to ever higher levels of vitality and happiness.

My own personal experience of healing is what drives me to do what I do. When western medicine told me surgery was my only option to keep doing the sport I loved, I turned to a Ft. Collins massage therapist and chiropractor for help. Through a conscious decision (and probably some stubbornness) to ignore the odds given to me, I was able to compete with a full scholarship at a Division I collegiate level. Later in life, through the utilization of techniques I currently employ for my clients, I was able to permanently heal the root causes of other long term physical and emotional pain.

Having had deep rooted personal experience with the loss of loved ones to cancer, I am extremely passionate about prevention in addition to helping those actively fighting or recovering from cancer, surgery or degenerative disease.

I cater to clients from all walks of life and employ all which I have learned and continue to learn about the human form, health, healing, energy, consciousness, and massage. I love what I do and I live and practice what I preach inside and outside of my Fort Collins massage therapy practice. I understand that as your Energy Healer, I may not be the only facilitator necessary on your journey and have an extensive list of trusted and qualified practitioners to refer you to when needed.

In the Ft. Collins, there is no other with my extensive training, knowledge and unique experience with the human lymphatic system. Lymph Drainage Therapy is a unique skill that when applied to a regular relaxation or deep tissue massage can take your massage results to the next level. My fascination with learning has taken me beyond my B.S. from CSU to the Healing Arts Institute, The Medical Massage Office, The Upledger Institute, The Chikly Health Institute and the Healing Touch Program. Whenever possible, I teacher assist Lymph Drainage Therapy courses held within the U.S.

I utilize my intuitive and channeling abilities with all modalities but they can greatly assist you if you are interested in receiving advanced energy healing sessions.  We can look at all blocks and limitations which may be preventing your healing including but not limited to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energies.  Personal guidance is common and getting to and healing the root cause of your issue is always the intention.

I am available for phone consultation if you have questions about your health situation or which type of therapy, therapies would be most appropriate for you.

I look forward to meeting you soon. Until then, you may catch me at a local Fort Collins yoga studio, hiking, teaching, dancing, enjoying live music or shopping the local farmers' market!

Happy Healing!

LymphWorks, LLC

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