Flor Taboada

Flor Taboada


HT level 6 & Advanced Practice 1 & 2 | Flower Essence Practitioner | Meditation Instructor
United Kingdom
Not Available (N/A)

Hi there! thanks for stopping by.

I’m a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner, Meditation Instructor and Mentor serving my gorgeous clients with full soul and heart, and a light touch!

I have been studying and practicing Holistic Therapies, Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Buddhism and Meditation for over 30 years.

I started my HT training in 2012 when I was living in NYC. That same year, I began volunteering at the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge NYC. This means that, by the time I was certified in 2014, I had hundreds of hours of HT experience and practice under my belt. I continued to volunteer weekly at Hope Lodge until I left NYC to come back to Europe, in Decembre 2017.

As a result of my own healing from perfectionism, co-dependency, comparing and feelings of falling short and never enough that were getting in the way of my professional and personal life, keeping me stuck and miserable, I realized how these very same issues were at the core and heart of my clients' struggles.

For the last few years, I have committed my work to helping women heal the relationship they have with themselves so they can stop the comparing and the need for external validation and approval and have the courage to stand up for themselves, ask for what they need and go for what they want, without compromising their loving and caring nature.

I support my clients through my multi-layered holistic approach either in a group setting or through 1:1 session, online or in person.

Outside my healing practice, I love spending time in nature, travelling, broadening my knowledge in healing modalities, reading, writing, attending meditation retreats, and enjoying nurturing and fun time with family and friends, preferably around homemade gluten and dairy free yummy food, some sort of chocolaty dessert and good quality wine!

Don’t let language be a barrier to connecting and working with me! As a native Spaniard and former linguist, I’m fluent in Spanish, English, French and proficient and Italian.


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